How to participate in the Giveaway ?
So you want to win our Amazing Chart Of The Solar System Poster (90x60cm / 35x24'') and get it for free?

There are 3 mandatory conditions to have name once in the basket of the draw:
- Like the Post
- Like Our Facebook Page
- Comment "Done" on the Post (if you also completed one of the bonuses see below).
In addition, to the mandatory conditions, the bonuses below will increase your chances of winning. Each bonus adds your name multiple times in the pool depending on the number of points it is worth.
Example: Completing Bonus A (50 points) will add your name 50 more times in the pool.
So here are the bonuses:
- Bonus A - 50 points: follow this link for more information (click here)
- Bonus B - 10 points: Share the post
- Bonus C- 5 points: tag 2 friends in the comment section of the Post
If you complete one or many bonuses, instead of commenting simply "Done" on the Post, comment "Done + Bonus A and B" (if you did A and B for example).
Good luck !
The results will be announced Next Sunday on the Post itself and via e-mail on the Newsletter !